Boarding Houses
Plymouth College

Boarding Houses

Our main house is College House: a row of Victorian villas, Mannamead and Colson. In College House, the boys and girls houses are separated by the Housemaster’s residence.  Colson is our boys house and Mannamead is our girls house. The other house staff have self-contained apartments throughout the boarding community.

Younger boarders tend to share 3 to a bedroom, while seniors have twin or single accommodation. Within the bedrooms, each boarder has their own space, with plenty of storage, pinboards for posters, desk, wifi and school network connection. Bathrooms with private showering facilities are located throughout the boarding houses.

Vacant plymouth college boarding room

Common rooms are hubs of activity in the evenings with boys and girls coming together after homework has been finished and there are various activities on offer such as playing pool in the games room, or making cards and jewellery in the craft room to name but a few. Sixth Formers have their own space and there are separate music practice and computer rooms.