Parents' Association | Plymouth College
Plymouth College

Parents' Association | Plymouth College

Plymouth College has very active and supportive Parents’ Associations, both for our Prep School and our Senior School. 

The principle aim of the Parents’ Association is to raise funds to support projects for the benefit of all pupils.  The Parents’ Association work to enhance the pupils' experience at the School and bring the wider community together.  We arrange regular events for parents to socialise and raise funds at the same time.  Social functions include balls, quiz evenings and drinks parties as well as regular half-termly meetings to discuss ideas and plans.  Everyone is warmly invited to attend all of these events, whether as an active participant or simply to meet other parents and learn more.

Each year we invite members of staff to submit requests for donations towards facilities/equipment which will benefit the pupils, as well as considering suggestions by the pupils themselves through the School Council.  Not all of our activities focus on fundraising. We aim to maintain and foster positive relationships between parents as well as with the College and to this end provide opportunities for parents and staff to meet on an informal basis. The Parents’ Association also support the school at various events throughout the year and by running the second-hand uniform shop, “The Swap Shop”.

The Parents’ Association organisation includes specific roles such as Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. We welcome anyone who is interested in helping. Please get in touch via email on [email protected].