Prep Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Support
Plymouth College

Prep Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Support

From an early age we encourage pupils to develop real inner confidence and believe it is essential to provide an enriching and empowering environment where pupils are happy and comfortable to try new things. Our small class sizes and specialist staff help us to get the most out of all our pupils.

From day one, all our children are very much a part of our school community. The younger children interact with the older pupils on a daily basis at assemblies, break times and during whole school activities.

The well-being of our pupils is of the highest importance to us; pupils of all ages follow a dedicated PSHE curriculum with assemblies and class teachers delivering a full and varied programme to our younger pupils, whilst our Year 5 and 6 pupils receive dedicated lesson and tutor time to ensure that all pupils are prepared and ready to participate fully in the world around them. Each child has a dedicated class teacher or form tutor (for Year 5 and 6), and this, along with their Head of Key Stage, allows all pupils to have the support they need to flourish.

Leadership skills are encouraged throughout the school, particularly in sport, outdoor activities, music, drama and the House system. All pupils are allocated to one of four houses and house competitions allow pupils of all ages to work together and compete in various activities and events including the end of year Sports Day. Becoming a prefect marks the final stage in a process of developing confidence and learning responsibility before moving on to the senior school.