The Prep Curriculum
Plymouth College

The Prep Curriculum

Small classes allow us to really understand our pupils, giving individual attention where required, both to support and extend children’s skills and knowledge. The emphasis is always on personal achievement, empowering children to maximise their potential.

Early Years

We follow the seven areas of learning; communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, expressive arts and design. Play-led learning ensures pupils acquire the knowledge they need within a supportive environment. Specialist teaching in Music and PE allows pupils to flourish and time in our Outdoor Classroom provides an enriching education for our youngest children. 

Years 1 & 2

Years 1 & 2 explore learning beyond the school gates. Regular trips allow our pupils to learn about the world away from school, with destinations ranging from farms to the sea and, in Year 2, the school’s Outdoor Education Centre on Dartmoor. By the time the children leave the Infant department, performing will have become a fun and inspiring experience, with the Early Years Nativity, First Steps Concert and Spring Shows just a few of the calendar highlights.

Years 3 & 4

Specialist teaching in French, Computing, Art and Food Technology (in Year 4) are introduced in addition to Music and PE, bringing an extra level of expertise and passion from subject specialists. The ability to understand and manipulate language confidently and competently helps progress in all areas of learning. Creative thought is encouraged, and sharing work in assemblies, performing poems and reading aloud play a big part. Mathematical knowledge and concepts grow with the curriculum, with an injection of reason and analysis which will enhance all stages of education. Competitive sport is introduced at this age, allowing all pupils to represent their school throughout the year. 

Years 5 & 6

In Years 5 and 6 we offer a full, enriching curriculum which includes Art, Drama, Computing, English, Food Technology, French, Geography, History, Maths, Music, PE, RE, Science and Spanish. A dedicated PSHE lesson allows us to provide the best possible pastoral care for our children. Bridging the gap between Prep and Senior School, pupils have a form tutor and follow their own timetable, moving around the school from lesson to lesson. Subject specialist teachers, having the benefit of working with the children in small classes, infuse our pupils with passion and knowledge. Class setting begins, allowing pupils to work at their own pace with support and extension provided as necessary, ensuring that all pupils reach their potential.