A Level Results
Plymouth College

A Level Results

Our bespoke teaching and small class sizes empower pupils to achieve excellent exam results and we pride ourselves on our strong performances across the School.

Our Sixth Form students have achieved A Level and BTEC success over the last six years with average results of:

A*E 97%A*C 81%A*B 66%A*A 43%

Alongside our A Levels, the Sports Baccalaureate programme consistently has a 100% pass rate, with 50% pupils achieving DDD or above.  Destinations and courses for our Sports Baccalaureate pupils are diverse - ranging from Sports Rehabilitation at University of West England and Sport Performance at the University of Bath, to courses in Business Management in Stirling and Criminology at Loughborough.


Plymouth College pupils are celebrating the results of their dedication and determination today as they receive their A-Level and Sports Baccalaureate results. As expected, results now resemble pre-pandemic levels. This year’s Upper Sixth pupils have achieved excellent results, which are a credit to their hard work and resilience, as well as that of their teachers, through what has been a challenging time in their lives.

Plymouth College is delighted to extend its warmest congratulations to our exceptional pupils on their outstanding exam results. We are incredibly proud of their dedication, commitment, and hard work, which have culminated in this well-deserved achievement. Our pupils have demonstrated remarkable co-curricular excellence, time management skills, and unwavering resilience throughout their academic journey.

The achievements of our pupils are a testament to their dedication to learning and personal growth. Their tenacity in pursuing academics while actively participating in co-curricular activities showcases the well-rounded education provided by Plymouth College. We firmly believe in nurturing not only their academic potential, but also their talents and interests beyond the classroom.

The success of our pupils would not have been possible without the ever-present support and guidance of our dedicated staff and the unending encouragement from their parents. Their guidance, mentorship, and belief in our pupils have undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping their paths towards success.

There were some notable performances by a number of pupils (in fact too many to mention all by name). 15% of the Upper Sixth pupils have been awarded four or five A levels. Alex Kraberger and Maximilian Kohl achieved five A levels, each including two A* grades. Mehdi El Mansar achieved three A*s and one B, going on to study in the USA at Purdue University, a NCAA Division 1 institution. In addition to achieving many performing arts accolades, Joshua Thomas-North received three A* grades and will be studying Mathematics at University of Warwick . After securing an A* and two A grades, Plymouth Argyle Women F.C player, Megan Bishop will read Mechanical Engineering at Loughborough University. Further outstanding achievements come from Kate Atkinson, Devon Chandler and Isabella Page. Overall, 26% of Plymouth College A level grades were at A* or A level.

In addition to Mehdi El Mansar, we are also proud to say that a number of our leavers will commence their studies outside of the United Kingdom. For example, Ollie Shead, Nathaniel Greenfield, Alma Dahl and Evie Floate have all secured sporting scholarships at prestigious institutions based in the United States. Meanwhile, Maximilian Kohl and Alex Kraberger will commence their studies in the autumn at top five ranked universities based in Germany and Austria respectively. Special mention goes to Maksym Bondar who joined us at the end of Lower Sixth from Ukraine and is now set to take a place at the University of Manchester, and fulfil his dream of becoming a pharmacist.

Our Head of Sixth Form, Aaron Summons said ‘Today marks the end of each pupil’s Plymouth College journey. Whenever the starting point, and from where, it has been a unique journey for each of them, and it has truly been a privilege to see each and every one of them grow over their time in the Sixth Form, be it academically or personally. Although it is natural to highlight a selection of our top performers, our success is not just judged by how we help the most able but by how we enthuse those for whom academic work is more demanding. What gives me the greatest pride is to see a pupil celebrating an achievement he or she never thought possible, be that a C or an A* grade. Each success and journey is personal. I have enjoyed the company of this year group, been humbled by their support of issues around mental health and wish them nothing but the very best. Wherever their destination is, I am confident they leave Plymouth College more prepared to grasp the myriad of opportunities that lie ahead, than when they first walked through the Ford Park gates.’ 

Adam Carr, Interim Head said, ‘Plymouth College remains steadfast in its commitment to providing an education that not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures individual growth and empowerment. Our tailored approach to education ensures that every pupil receives an exceptional experience that extends beyond the classroom. The accomplishments of our pupils this year fill us with immense pride. As they step into the next phase of their lives, we extend our best wishes, eagerly anticipating the unfolding of their next chapters. We look forward to hearing about their continued successes.’

University destinations for our 2023 leavers include:
University of Manchester


Oxford Brookes UniversityParamedical Science 
Sport and Exercise Science
University of SouthamptonPhysiotherapy 
Durham University

Biological Sciences 
International Relations
Sport and Exercise Science

University of Plymouth Mathematics with Theoretical Physics
King's College, LondonNeuroscience and Psychology
University of AberdeenPsychology

University of Reading

University of SussexAccounting and Finance 
University of SurreyBusiness Management 
Swansea UniversitySport and Exercise Science
University of BristolHistory and Spanish
University of WarwickMathematics
University College, London Biomedical Engineering 
Loughborough University

Mechanical Engineering 
International Business

Falmouth University 


University of GlasgowAncient History/Politics 
University of WarwickPhilosophy
University of HertfordshireParamedical Science
St. Mary's University Chelsea FC Foundation Coaching Development
University of Derby Interior Design 
Bangor University Psychology 
Humboldt University (Berlin)Computer Science 
Vienna University of TechnologyInformation Technology

Find out more about what our Sixth Form could offer you at https://www.plymouthcollege.com/sixth-form-16-18