Plymouth College


Take a look below at some testimonials from previous students of Plymouth College.

Tallulah Bryson

I started at Plymouth College in Year 7, and I can safely say that that was the start of the best six years of my life. Having come from my local village school, I remember being nervous about joining a school separate from my friends at the time, and I was unsure how I would deal with it. However, Plymouth College made me feel welcome from the start and I made friends quickly. The main reason I joined Plymouth College was because of my sport, I was a Pentathlete at the time and loved all kinds of sport. The school worked with me in order to balance my training with my lessons, maintain a good standard in both, and I do not believe this would have been possible in any other school.

In my later years at the school, team sports such as Netball and Hockey were the main sports I had interests in. I gained so much confidence and skills, such as team work and communication that I have taken on into my time at University, having joined the University of Surrey Hockey team. Although teams sports was the main area in which I thrived, the schools ability to support and encourage students in all areas cannot go unmissed, as it has lead so many students to success.

Away from sport, the main thing I loved about Plymouth College was the small class sizes. The teachers also made it very clear that if I needed any extra help outside of teaching hours to explain something again or go over some extra practice questions, then they’d be happy to help, and this helped me greatly. In sixth form, small class sizes also mean I could build good relationships with my teachers and have clear guidance with my work. The small community of Plymouth College allows for great friendships to be formed and altogether a friendly atmosphere around the campus. 

I decided that I wanted to apply to university and start a degree, though I was unsure what to study to start with. The schools support though applications and the UCAS process was incredible. To ensure that we got as many offers a possible, the Heads of Sixth Form and form tutors personally oversaw each and every part of our applications. This allowed me to study Psychology at the University of Surrey. I miss Plymouth College; the atmosphere was always happy and the teaching staff were always so friendly and keen to help. It has definitely been some of the best years of my life and I have had some amazing opportunities that I will never forget.


Annabel Kennedy, former Senior Prefect who won a scholarship to study at the Royal College of Music

"What I loved about the school was the small class sizes within each subject, for it meant that I could build good relationships with all my teachers and receive thorough support and guidance with my work. The small community within the school allows for great friendships and an altogether comfortable grounding on campus. 

Plymouth College offers an enormous variety of different clubs and activities.

Even though there is a strong focus on sport at the school, they do try to accommodate every different interest and are supportive of your accomplishments both in and out of school - you can tell Plymouth College really prides itself in its students and their achievements. "

Olivia Moore, former Deputy Head Girl and Head of House in Boarding

“I’m very well prepared for the next stage of my life at Swansea University. The social skills and understanding that comes with being a boarder have made the transition almost seamless and the ability to live independently has made life so much easier in a new place. Becoming Head of House within boarding came with responsibilities but showed me that things are worth working for; cooperation is key. These are all things that people around me are learning now but I was lucky enough to get them from my time at Plymouth College.

As well as the boarding side Plymouth College’s extensive sports programmes also allowed me to try new sports which I have carried on. I’ve joined both netball and hockey teams and am hoping to play for the University like I did Plymouth College.” 

Harry Preston, former Senior Prefect, Modern Pentathlon scholar and medal-winning GB athlete

“My time at Plymouth College was a blast and I made so many memories that no other place can give you. The nature of the school allows new pupils to fit in really well.

All the students were great and within the first couple weeks I felt as if I’d settled in and truly belonged at the school. 

Starting at the school also opened up my eyes to multi-event sports; I was on the pentathlon programme. Obviously being an athlete you really have to be prepared to give up a lot of your social time for the gruelling hours of training.  But the family you make with the coaches and other athletes, whether it’s in the pool on a cold winter’s morning or out on the track in the rain, you’re always there for each other and form strong bonds that last a lifetime. 

Staff ensured I balanced academic and training needs, enabling me to thrive in both.

The Deputy Head even arranged flexi-boarding to get this balance right!  Without this, I could not have attained such high academic and sporting achievement.” 

James Douie, former Deputy Head Boy who gained 4 A*s at A Level to read Engineering at Jesus College, Cambridge

“I was an active member of the CCF’s Navy Section, through which I did much of my yacht sailing, as well as gaining qualifications in sailing, powerboating, scuba diving, and a week of flying with the Navy. The school offers many trips abroad, and I have been on various language trips around Europe, as well as a fascinating trip to CERN in Geneva.

There were also many opportunities for me to do academia outside the normal curriculum, such as the annual maths and physics challenges, as well as the Diploma in Financial Studies.

I started the piano and classical guitar at the Prep School and have had many opportunities to perform, both as a soloist and as part of the school’s guitar ensemble. Some of my most enjoyable times at Plymouth College were at the many social events. These include Sixth Form film nights, the Summer Balls, the annual CCF dinners and various other formal evenings. Overall the school has offered me a plethora of opportunities which will stand me in good stead as I move to university and beyond.”