Plymouth College


The function of the Development Office is to engender a life-long interest in the
future and health of the school through participation in events, access to work
opportunities for present and former pupils, and to secure financial donations and
legacies where appropriate. It also aims to facilitate the re-establishment of past
friendships and help to renew contacts with the School. The Development Office has been established to provide life-changing educational
opportunities through bursarial assistance and to improve the quality of education for every child at Plymouth College.

Our ambitions are to:

Transform many more lives by securing donations for bursaries and
safeguarding these places for future generations by growing the Plymouth
College Bursary Fund.

Continue to improve the school’s campus and facilities for students,
enhancing their learning and providing further opportunities for students in
and beyond the classroom.


Fronting up the office will be Mrs Sharon Lambie who is well-known to
many within the Plymouth College community since she has been involved with the
school since 2003 both as an employee (working as the Head’s PA) and as a parent.
Sharon is thrilled to be taking on this new role and looks forward to having the
opportunity to engage with parents, current pupils, OPMs and other stakeholders.
Philanthropically-minded OPMs (who have themselves benefited from a Plymouth
College education) former staff, governors, former and present parents and friends
will be asked to help current and future generations of pupils to have the best
possible education by helping the School in many ways, whether that is in supporting
the funding of capital investment, bursaries or heritage projects, or by donating time
and resources to assist pupils in their ambitions through a Careers and Mentoring
programme. More details will follow but, in the meantime, should you have any more
questions or if you wish to get involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch with
Sharon Lambie at [email protected]. The philanthropic support
of alumni, parents, staff and friends will be vital and we thank you for considering
making a gift to Plymouth College.


What's on

Saturday 22nd April:  50 Year Reunion for the Class of 1973

Thursday 27th April: Cricket First XI v the MCC at Ford Park – Afternoon Tea at 3.30pm.  You are invited to join us to watch the cricket from the OPM Suite.  It would be lovely to see you at this annual event.  Please note that the bar will not be open.

Saturday 17th June:  Calling all artists!  We are proposing to host an Arts & Crafts Exhibition & Sale on Saturday 17th June in the Old Gym at Ford Park.  If you are a painter, printmaker, designer, sculptor, photographer or textile artist, please indicate your interest by 10th March and we will furnish you with more information.

Saturday 1st July: Speech Day Afternoon Picnic and Cricket at Ford Park – 1.30pm onwards

Wednesday 26th July:  Plymouth College stand at Yealmpton Show: Strawberries & Pimms at 3.00pm

Saturday 25th November: Annual Dinner at Ford Park.  Open to anyone but especially those in the Classes of 2013, 2003, 1993, 1983, 1973.  Gather friends, renew old acquaintances and have a fabulous time!

Tuesday 5th December: Carol Service at the Minster Church of St Andrew, Plymouth, 6.00pm


Current Projects

Delgany Appeal

We are very excited to announce to you – as a member of the Plymouth College family – about a fantastic building project. With the College celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2027 and with the launch of the Development Office, we have been looking at areas that could benefit from some investment. After much deliberation, the Head and Governors have identified the Pavilion at Delgany as the first major project. Given that Delgany is used on a regular basis for both rugby and cricket, this is a building that needs to be upgraded. Architects have been engaged to draw up plans for a revamp of the building to include home and away changing rooms, as well as a café and outdoor seating area. The plan is for the new Pavilion to become the centre-piece at Delgany, continuing as a venue for many sports fixtures. As a consequence of the upgrade, it will become a suitable and very attractive venue for other College events and will also present an opportunity to increase revenue streams for the College through commercial letting opportunities as well as a venue to be offered for use by local charities. 

We are pleased to share that one of our OPMs has offered to support the school in its ambitions for Delgany to become a facility of which we can be proud. Our benefactor has many fond memories of an outstanding teacher, Dennis Collinson, who taught at the school from 1953 - 1978. He believes revitalising Delgany would be a fitting tribute to Dennis’s service to the School. The plan includes renaming it the Collinson Pavilion and the café would be named Dennis’s. The total project cost is £400,000 with the aim of having the new facility open and ready for use as soon as possible. We have already been very fortunate and are incredibly grateful to our benefactor who has agreed to match donations up to a maximum of £200,000 and therefore, we are seeking your support to achieve our remaining target of £200,000 and get us over the finishing line. This is an ambitious target, but we feel it is achievable with the support of the Plymouth College family. Any amount you can offer would be gratefully received and all donors’ names will be recorded on the donors’ board in the Pavilion (if so desired). 

It has been many years since the school has approached its extended family for any financial support and we hope you will feel able to help us achieve our goal of making Delgany an asset of which we can all be proud. If you are able to help, details on how to donate can be found If you are unable to give a one-off sum, perhaps you would consider a monthly amount

Get Involved 

Matched Giving

Many companies help charities through a matched giving scheme.  Some will match pound for pound, and others will double match any donations which its employees make to registered charities.  Please check with your Payroll or HR department as to whether your company operates such a scheme as this could make your donation worth even more.

Deposit Donation

Parents of recent leavers will be given an opportunity to donate all or part of the deposit paid when their child joined the school.

Give as You Live

The school is a member of the Give as You Live scheme. Simply sign up via the website and select Plymouth College as your preferred charity.  Give as You Live on Line generates free donations for Plymouth College when you shop online at 4,500+ retail partners.

Enhancing the school’s Environment

We plan to enhance and improve the school’s campus, with new flowerbeds and the planting of seasoned trees. These changes will make a tremendous difference to the everyday experience of current and future pupils, as well as parents and visitors.

We want to offer supporters the opportunity to sponsor specific trees and elements that will grow with the school for generations.

  • Donors who make a gift of £100 or more to the project can choose to have their name, or that of a loved one, included on a plaque within a planting area.
  • Donors who make a gift of £500 or more can sponsor a specific young tree.
  • Donors who make a gift of £1,000 or more can sponsor a specific seasoned tree.

To make a donation, please complete the form here (DONATION FORM)

Leave a gift in your Will - Plymouth

Plymouth College is humbled and grateful for the generosity of past pupils, teachers
and friends of the school who have bequeathed a gift to the school in their Will.

How leaving a legacy impacts Plymouth College

We have established two funds for the benefit of the pupils and ask you to indicate which fund you
would like your Legacy to be put towards.

Development Fund

The Development Fund provides an additional revenue stream allowing the normal activities of the
school to be augmented and enhanced in a way that cannot be achieved through fee income alone.
The Development Fund will be used to finance extras which can enhance the everyday life and
education of both present and future pupils. Any donation - no matter the amount - can play a vital
role in supporting our pupils to ensure that each pupil is given the chance to develop who they are.
Bursary Fund
The Bursary Fund has been established to support able students to attend Plymouth College
regardless of their financial means. A key part of our strategy is to focus on supporting local children
who would benefit from a Plymouth College education but whose parents would not normally be
able to finance school fees. We want to support able students who are intellectually curious,
engaged with their learning and want to contribute to the wider life of the school.

The benefits of leaving a gift in your Will
Gifting to charity in your Will is a great way to leave a positive legacy. It can also help support your
loved ones in the future.
Leaving a gift (cash sum, property, asset, share or residuary estate) that is worth 10% of your overall
estate value, means you benefit from a reduced rate of inheritance tax of 36%, rather than the
standard rate of 40%. This can be beneficial for anyone who wants to reduce their inheritance tax
bill and give to a charity at the same time.

£50 off the cost of your Will – Wolferstans Solicitors
We are delighted to be partnering with Wolferstans LLP, a Plymouth based law firm, who are
offering a £50 discount off the cost of your Will if you leave a legacy to Plymouth College in their
Will. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with their experts who rank 1 st out of 24 local law firms
for Wills, Trusts and Probate.
To book an appointment with one of their will writing experts, please call 01752 292201 or visit their
website (link to blog post). T&Cs apply.

Become a member of our exclusive 1877 Society

The 1877 Society is an exclusive group of supporters who indicated their intention to honour the
charitable aims of the school by leaving a gift in their Will. Membership is free and members will be
invited to annual events and receive periodic updates from the school.
To discuss any aspect of giving or to join the 1877 Society then please contact the Development
Office on 01752 505104 (Mon-Thurs) or email: [email protected].
To include a gift in your Will you may need the following information:
Charity name:   Plymouth College and St Dunstan's Abbey Schools Charity
Charity number: 1105544
Address:   Plymouth College, Ford Park, Plymouth, Devon PL4 6RN