Plymouth College Enrichment
Plymouth College

Plymouth College Enrichment

Plymouth College offers an exceptional range of enrichment activities which vary from term to term. 

Clubs and activities run during lunchtimes, after school and at weekends and numerous residential trips take place in the school holidays to further add to the extra-curricular offer. The enrichment activities are designed to complement the provision in the academic curriculum. All pupils are encouraged to participate daily in order to aid their personal development; this could be discovering new skills or developing existing talents. Form tutors monitor pupils’ involvement and help guide their choices.

The provision for sport, outdoor education, music and drama is truly outstanding and supports the notion of ‘Where Everything is Possible’. The 2019 ISI inspection graded the quality of pupil’s personal development as “excellent” with the inspectors noting; Plymouth College Pupils have a strong sense of the ‘have a go’ culture that permeates through the school in areas of academic and extra-curricular life.


Discoverers Club Discoverers Club
Yorkshire Trip Yorkshire Trip
Explorers Club Explorers Club
Three Peaks Challenge Three Peaks Challenge
Ten Tors Ten Tors
DofE DofE
African Adventure African Adventure
Sailing Club Sailing Club
Music & Singing Music & Singing
Drama Drama
Art Art
Design Tech Design Tech
Academic Academic
Business School Business School
Other Activities Other Activities