Plymouth College has a dedicated duty to look after each and every pupil. Please be advised that Plymouth College will continue to follow Government guidance in relation to maintaining the safety and health of all members of the community.
Updated - 04/01/2021
Yes. The Head of Boarding along with a graduate member of boarding staff will be at Heathrow airport on January 4th to welcome and transport our new and existing boarders to Plymouth College boarding houses. The cost is £50 per boarder.
Yes. Airport Travel South West taxi service are our recommended operator.
£50 per person per night.
The UK is operating a 'Test to Release' system. Tests are conducted on Day 5 and if it's negative then the pupil is free to rejoin the wider community. Tests need to be organised prior to travel and is the family's responsibility.
Both students and staff will be able to wear face masks and other protective equipment. This will not be mandatory.
The Head of Boarding and Houseparents of Mannamead Girls' House along with resident graduate staff. Staffing rotas will make sure that students are not in contact with any non-essential staff. There will always be 2 members of staff on active duty at any one time with 1 senior member of the boarding staff also duty.
Yes, all students during the quarantine period will be in single room accommodation. Female boarders will be in Roville House and male boarders will be in Haven. Both houses are separate from the main boarding community to ensure further pupil and staff safety.
If a boarder or staff member shows symptoms - a high temperature, a loss of taste, sickness or general flu like symptoms they will be completely isolated from the rest of the quarantine group. Food will be delivered to that boarder's room by one staff member in protective equipment.
We are now conducting Lateral Flow Tests in school for all pupils and staff. For further information on this please contact [email protected]
No. As all meals will be catered on site there will be no activity off the school campus. Students will be able to use the school field to exercise under supervision and maintaining social distancing.
We are very aware of the need for all quarantining pupils to get daily exercise and as a result, they will be encouraged to go outside to exercise around the campus at a set time each day.
The college will be following the Government guidance on this area. Boarders that are quarantining will not be able to train until their quarantine period has been completed.
All boarders will have breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared for them every day they are in quarantine. Kitchen facilities in the boarding houses will be available to the boarders under staff supervision and will be cleaned after each use.
No. All meals will be consumed within the boarding accommodation. They will be freshly prepared before being delivered by boarding staff.
The Head of Domestic Services, will lead a team of cleaners to conduct multiple periods of cleaning each day. Potential sites of transmission such as door handles and communal equipment such as pool cues, TV remote controls will be sterilised regularly throughout the day.
Boarders will be allocated a specific shower and toilet room to use depending on where they are located in the house and the year group they are in.